Friday, May 27, 2011

I start having signs and bad feelings..Is my instict right?

Ya me on this..There are lots of signs..Have I been cheated?(T_T)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baking..Always My Passion..

It's quite a long time I did not post any entry on my blog wall. I wish I could stay persistent to write for at least a post for every week , but times and ideas are sometimes seems to be running away from me. I got lots of fun ideas at the edge of my finger coming along everyday, but what happened to myself, I just got stucked when my very small fingers touched the keyboard. I was like just clueless, staring thoroughly the blank sheet without any single movement of my hand. Oh sweety, it's your blog, anything from the least to the huge thingy you can stick on it. No one care what is in your head except they are really care about yourself..sometimes I do care about what people think of myself. Be it positive or negative thoughts, they were always counted in. Right seconds after I think about it, then I will get rid of it.

Orait, I 'll write. My hobby. Simple. This is my real hobby and I am crazy about it. Though I have no background in professional baking or cooking, the art of cooking is what I always wanted to do. Be mindless if I am too darn adore about certains recipes that are available online, because it is way easy for me to go-ogle on the net to gain the best recipes online where I can compare and play with the flavor and varieties. However, I love to compile few of them and try-mix ingredient between different recipes. So, I know which recipe works well.

These are some of recipes I tried. Before we may get started with my highest ranking dessert and ccokies, I should mention here that I always try to bake cookies and desserts in stead of meal. I found they are easy to play with and there are many way of doing them either to decorate them or to blend all the ingredients all together. The results are still the same and I had fun every time I bake!

These are some of recipes I tried and has become my favorite all the time~most of them are western origin. I love them because they are healthy and less sweet in flavor..

1. Florentines

This is easy to make. It tastes sweet, chewy and sticky cookies. Made of mix nuts such as almonds and groundnuts, mix with dried cherries and raisins and coated with chocolate at the top or bottom. There a lots of recipes online but this, i always use the same recipe as this from Homemademummy and you can access the recipe here.

 2. Biscotti

I just love this. I first tasted it at Gloria Jeans Coffee outlet along with a cup of coffee. The taste was great and it was a great combination when you dip the log with the coffee. This is where I found this great recipe; Pastrypal and the recipe is here.

 3. Panna Cotta

The recipe is from the great chef David Lebovits. So, you want to make panna cotta from his recipe, click here.

4. Rocky Road


Picture origin from You may get the recipe here.

Here is one of famous Australian dessert time. It was rock everywhere. The taste is sweet, a combination of fluffy marshmallow and chocolate. This is the perfect dessert for picnic or even on your movie time. I really enjoy it when while reading book. Its gone just few pages I read. Oh my~Sorted, the cooking crews I always wanted to join them in the house. Reach the other recipe here. It's live!

5. S'mores

Marshmallow again. Imagine the fluffy marshmallow with dark chocolate blend with the biscuits. I just could not wait. Let's eat them here from Sweet Savory Life.

6. Caramel Pudding

The recipe from From Taiping to Kota Kinabalu. Get the recipe here. yummy!

And there are lot more of my favorites as listed here:

7.   Cotton Soft Japanese Cheese Cake
8.   Almond Crispy Jelly
9.   Heavy Cheese Cake
10. Lady Fingers Tiramisu
11. Doughnut
12. Macaroon

So, wanna try one of these recipe? Let me now and I will direct you to the real recipes from the best cook..Bubye~