Friday, November 5, 2010

The Little Sweetheart..Come here to me...

After a quick view a couple of kitten on my honey's FB, I felt a lil released. I got a heavy headache and abdomen swelling since last nite due to allergic symptoms of smell I can't cope with. To be specific, the smell of 'minyak angin' ('vapour rub's and the worst is 'minyak cap kapak'.) I don't know from where the air bring the odor into my room. I too, had an allergic reactions to some of the specified odors and fragrances which I can not clearly explain the right causes here. I use the term allergic because I don't know what other term to use. Cigarettes smokes for instance; I can't breath smoothly where I used to hold my breath when I was in the same lift of a person/s who had just smoked. The smell always hits me really hard as I was having cough when I just passed by..Sometimes, I became just a wilt-like veg when I smell the heated seat or plastic in the car. When it happened, I turned to pale, decrease/slowly the way of air to breath in and out into my chest, I can not even speak clearly, feeling dizzy and ended with vomiting so badly. What I could say is like a pregnant woman having morning sickness..sigh~

Not to mention here, I obviously severe a motion sickness with above mentioned symptoms which I believe these two are connected to each other and something things that I could not explain have not functionally in the rite way or less effective in my body. The only cure for me is to smell a fresh orange peel or lemon or at least a lime and sit under a high speed of fan before try to take a long and a deep sleep. That is the only cure that works for me so far..sigh~~

Eh..wat pe cite pasal sakit2 neh....tak bagus..!!Stop it Wanna. You're killing yourself while no one mind about it at all..huhu~

Lets talk about the kittens I mentioned at the very first line up there. I felt the headache in my head flowed bit by bit, away through my hand to the finger, up to the air as I imagine the softness of the kitten's fur on my cheeks smothered all the pain away.  Just after a few minutes staring the pic of them. Several years back in 1995, when I was 10, I hate cat really much (not really hate, it just that I feel not safe) because the scratch of its claw left a deep wound on my first time playing on the ground with my grandfather's cat, Puteh. Ever since, I scared of cats, not to play with them or I even won't touch them wherever how cute or beautiful are they. I just worried they would give me another shoot, and I feel hurt again..(plus, the cats at my home had once vomited with worms, too many tiny worms, a needle size and I had to clear all them away--me; phobia to caterpillar as well, and all its kind including rubbish worm, leeches, and some nematodes..yukkkk!susc a nightmare to me..;-()

Don't hurt me anymore, will ya? Please's hurt so damn....

Until I met someone, who is now became my honey. He loved cat so much. I realized he such a gentle towards cat when he set up my lappy with a photo of cat as my profile picture. Day after day, his care on this animal became real on my eyes, showing a paternity of its nature, same like my father was. I started to play with cat, just to feel how good to have a human-animal relationship between these two creatures. I try to bring out  my gut of cat, not to feel they will harm me anymore..slowly perhaps, with an imaginary support of trying to adapt with my honey's liking. Till the minutes I've written here, I still be aware of cats' claws eventho I could sit side by side and play with them. I imagined they are immediately changed their claws into these whenever I jumped into them..everywhere , always like THESE...

                                            or like cute, isn't???

I could feel the warm relationship with cat now..the reason why people love cat and own them as friend. They are really soft..soft and warm as human's care..huhu..

P/s::I wonder where my pain has gone. Is the cat bring away my pain or somehow 'the man' who owns the cat..ohhhh...confused~~lalalala..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Introduction to My Blog

Hi everyone..this is my first time writing something on my wall. Nothing much interesting to talk about my blog at the moment. As a newbie, I felt blogging is just one of the way to entertain myself rather than spending on  something else like shopping where the money and time are wasted. It just that I want to create a space for myself crapping and bubbling about things I loved plus sharing something that you might have not known before..

Well, let me first start with a brief introduction of my blog. I named it Autumn Dreams. I created it just for fun, the place where I can paste my feeling at, to share the best moments I experienced before, to let everyone knows deeply a kind of person am I, and of course to share something precious in a form of  life experiences. Here, I won't tell you the details of my personal, just knowing my nicknames are enough, I suppose.

Why Autumn Dreams? Hah! You might be wondering why it has been chosen. There are lots of reasons why I chose such that name. Firstly, it was because I found a perfect match for my blog design. The colour, design and the space just suited me! I liked the design so much. Enough said:)

Secondly, it was about the name itself. I put my life targets to be completed each year. Those targets are secrets ya! Ask me whenever you feel like knowing:).Offline! I called my targets as dreams. The  dreams were actually begun when it was autumn. To be exact during fall in Australia. Yes, I spent my first autumn overseas in Australia and since then, I sequenced almost every single one of my dreams. It wasn't mean that I had not thought about dreams before, it just that I can perfectly focus on how to achieve them now. In other word, I can manage my life and became mature. Just after the autumn started..

Thirdly, it all started when I created a blog of mine-->online e-boutique (you can access it here Sakura Hijab e-Boutique). I started to love on blog writing soon after I launch the boutique. I came across to glorious and happening blogs while blog-walking <---my previous activity before blogging..hehehe. It gave me ideas and passions of how interesting the blogging was. I had to admit it! It was fun!

Other than that, I just wanna to practice my skills on english writing, so that my left brain is always working best and I can spend my spare time doing something.

I hope you enjoy my blog. Have fun reading :)

P/s: Share yours!